Indigenous resources
- KESO’s-Koorie Education Support Officers (Department of Education and Training) are available to assist you if you are looking to leave school or want to go back to school.
To arrange a meeting with or talk to a KESO directly please call 97882683 and ask for a KESO or email:
Department of Education and Training contacts are as follows:
Aboriginal Early Years Unit9651 3353
Koorie Unit | 9651 3793 | |
Koorie Strategy Unit9637 2000 |
Other contacts
Aboriginal Cooperative – Peninsula Health |
Bunjilwarra- Koorie Youth Alcohol and Drug Healing Service59792011 |
Koorie Kids homework club | Jaffa- 97014200 or 0488030594 |
Koorie Justice Unit | 8684 1766 | | |
Chisholm Institute-Koorie Services | 9238 8435> | | |
Koorie Health Officers can assist with a broad range of options and referrals. | |
Aboriginal Health Program Manager | 0487 004 200 |
Care Coordinator | 0487013277 |
Aboriginal Outreach Worker | 0487 005 977 |
Project Officer | 5973 5655 |
Peninsula Health ACCESS | 1300 665 781 |
Other services :