The following links have information for young people with a disability and disability specific information on transitioning from school:
NDCO – transitions and pathways
Autism Australia – transitioning a student with autism – Launchpad
The following sites have some great disability specific information on transitioning from school to work and local resources.
Frankston disability resource directory
Ticket to work is a School based apprenticeships program for young people with a disability the TTW website has more information
Victoria and Australia wide services
SCOPE – supports people with physical, intellectual and multiple disabilities.
Carers Australia – work to improve the health, wellbeing, resilience and financial security of carers and to ensure that caring is a shared responsibility of family, community and government.
Young Carers – If you are a young carer the information on this website will give you tips on how to look after yourself and the person you are caring for.
Human Services – works in partnership with others to help individuals and organisations around the country understand their rights and meet their legal responsibilities.
Amaze has many resources in relation to autism.
SDS schools
The DHS pathways guide is a resource with various contacts and options to guide young people with a disability transitioning from school.
YDAS has a information available for planning your way.
There is more career information on this site you may want to start here
Watching some examples of other people’s stories maybe helpful –Find out more here.